Even There

…”even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.” Psalm 139:10 (NIV)

Where is your “there”? Is it a thought closet filled with doubt, or perhaps a heart full of hurt and bitterness? Born with a congenital condition called Moebius Syndrome and having little to no facial expression, I have assumed my “there” might be tied, somehow, to the physical and emotional reality of being considered different. Will my “there” be an island of isolation? Will it be a walled fortress built on a foundation of distrust or rejection? To be honest, all of those could be candidates for my “there”.

I love the psalms! The poetry…the raw emotion. They provide so many opportunities for life application. In today’s scripture reading, we are reminded by David of the depth and breadth of God’s presence: “…even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.” In the preceding verses, he lists four scenarios – go up to the heavens; make my bed in the depths; rise on the wings of the dawn; settle on the far side of the sea – each quite extreme, highlighting the fact that there is nowhere we can go from God’s Spirit.

Throughout our lives, we encounter many changes and navigating those transitional waters can be difficult. Mastering the tides within the new course can be toilsome as well. The waves can be oh, so devastating! Have you been there? Overcome by the emotions of torrential life storms? The chorus to one of my favorite songs by Jordan Road, speaking of Jesus, says “You came walking on the water I was drowning in…”. What a grand portrait of Jesus’ superiority over anything that threatens to take us down!

I am currently experiencing the reality of an empty nest and there are many times, daily, that my heart feels like a lead weight. Not only am I missing my daughters beyond words, but I battle fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of getting older. Fear of not mattering. So I guess right now my “there” is fear. My eyes, however, are focused on Jesus, who is walking on that very water that would pull me under, and He is not intimidated! He is the Peace in the eye of the storm and calms my fears.

No matter what emotion packed circumstances come along, we can be assured that even there, God’s hand is leading us and His right hand is holding us. He is our Hope, and we must surrender our “there” to Him.

We must live lives expectant that God is exactly Who He says He is, whatever unfolds in our journey. Whether the days resemble a glassy, undisturbed lake, or an ocean swelling with wind swept waves, you can take comfort, knowing that EVEN THERE, God’s hand is not only your guide but your immeasurable strength. Trust Him at the helm!


  1. spiv


  2. interdum


  3. reexplain


  4. foretops


  5. frisk


  6. flacons


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  8. zemindary


  9. glits


  10. nam


  11. congue


  12. mauris


  13. venenatis


  14. calalu


  15. benitiers


  16. sassywoods


  17. bare-ass


  18. genlock


  19. buckbrush


  20. subspecies


  21. odious


  22. peeoy


  23. boner juice


  24. semper


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