I was having some Nana time with my almost two-year-old grandson yesterday and oh, did we have fun! Building things and knocking them down with gusto; playing bowling with little plastic pins that quickly became mini golf clubs, launching the small, plastic bowling ball into another room; and having a yummy lunch that ended with dunking cookies…his in milk and mine in coffee😊 During Nana time, it’s my goal to focus on precious treasures and let regular chores wait until later to complete.
After Everett’s departure, I went into the kitchen to take care of our lunch dishes that had been put in the sink to soak, making my procrastinated job easier. Before getting started, I noticed a couple of his pretzels that had not been eaten were laying in his little three-compartment plate, soaking in some water. They were huge compared to their size when the plate had been deposited next to the garbage disposal. To say they were moist would be an understatement…they were saturated!
Enter the Holy Spirit…What a grand illustration He placed on my heart! Oh, that I would be like those pretzels! They had soaked in the most prevalent element of their environment – water. In doing so, they softened and grew significantly larger in size. It made me quickly consider my own “environment”. Everything that goes on in a day, an hour, a moment. Situations with so many variables, some unwanted…internal and external roller coasters…joys…sorrows…unknowns. All things that can easily cause my heart to break, rejoice or be guardedly optimistic.
I have learned in my life that it is unequivocally necessary that I am filling my heart and thought-closet with truth. Whether it be straight from God’s Word; spoken words from family, friends, pastors or strangers; devotions or life situations that spell out in capital letters the fact that His love and grace, freely given, are what enable me to take another step. Oddly enough, looking at those pretzels, I realized that as I’ve been intentional about keeping Jesus the most prevalent element of my environment, my heart has softened toward what He has for me and I’ve grown in ways I’d never even imagined possible.
No matter my environment, if I’m allowing myself to be saturated by everything Jesus, I will, indeed, experience powerful growth! May I continue to submerge myself in His attributes and truly be an image bearer…transformed from the inside out!