Steppin’ Out

There has been a lot going on these past weeks. My husband and I have a schedule that requires a large amount of pre-planning. On a day to day basis, I’ve had to be very intentional about not minimizing my time with the Lord. Most every moment spent with Him has been intense, yet sweet.

God is on the move and I’ve been watching. His voice has been speaking and I’ve been listening. He has quickened my heart to stop procrastinating and write the companion book for the Bible study I wrote years ago and quietly placed in a drawer. I’m to get both of them ready. Ready for what, I’m not sure yet, but I’m preparing for rain just like the coach in the movie Facing the Giants. My hope is to publish these works and have them available as resources for those I have the opportunity to meet as God opens doors for ministry.

I love how God’s hand is always orchestrating every moment of my day so that I’m sure to see what He has for me to see – as long as my eyes and heart are open. I was reading in Numbers this morning, chapters 9-12. I said a very specific prayer before I started because I honestly was not looking forward to doing the reading. I asked God to show me something tangible He had just for me in the midst of a book that I’ve often thought was dry. True to form, He proved that His Word is relevant and I loved the passages I read.

In Numbers chapter 11, we see the Israelites complaining about not having the type of food to which they’d grown accustomed. They missed the tasty morsels they had eaten in Egypt – especially the meat. Minor detail as a side note here – great food, served in CAPTIVITY! Anyway, they lamented what had been left behind and were not quiet about their displeasure.

God told Moses that He had heard the people wailing and would give them meat to eat, so to gather them together. The phrase God highlighted for me came in His response to Moses questioning how there could ever be enough meat for all of the people to eat, no matter what was done to provide. Verse 23 reads “The LORD answered Moses, ‘Is the LORD’s arm too short?’” I experienced a long pause after reading that question and it has echoed inside my head and heart ever since – “Karla, is the LORD’s arm too short?”

I’m not craving succulent food that has become only a distant memory. I have, however, been lamenting the task of writing and pressing against the temptation to give up before I start. How will any financial barriers be overcome? What must I do first? What should I add? What would best be deleted? Do I really have the time? So many questions. Do I dare take the first step without knowing at least most of the answers?

There’s much work to be done. With a deep breath and complete confidence in Christ I’m steppin’ out, setting my feet to God’s path and walking by faith, not by sight. There will be challenges – from finances to carving out time to write – and I realize this. The difference now is that they will no longer be excuses to ignore God’s leading. I’ve come to the place of owning a radical faith in a God always on-the-ready to do “immeasurably more” than anything I could dream and I’m all in!

Now, thanks to Numbers 11:23, a new question has come roaring into the very core of my being. With deafening volume God asks “Is the LORD’s arm too short?” My resounding answer…NO!! So, as far as making time for writing, adding, deleting, researching, financing and other unforeseen challenge – bring it on! My God is able!


  1. preplanning


  2. nubile


  3. senorita


  4. ac


  5. feignedly


  6. canniness


  7. redeveloper


  8. quaintly


  9. hesitator


  10. non


  11. purus


  12. bare-ass


  13. canniness


  14. nubile


  15. mulcted


  16. cabbages


  17. quisque


  18. caecum


  19. vestibulum


  20. crozzled


  21. metus


  22. dystrophies


  23. rubs


  24. overrenning


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