Total Surrender

Total Surrender

I’ve been walking with the Lord for most all of my life and never cease to be amazed at His gentle leading. I’ve truly come to realize that my relationship with Christ is always in need of new depths, or should I say heights. It’s hard to express the feelings inside, but it’s as if I’m standing on the edge of a precipice. I know in my heart that God’s protection for me will come and cushion the step as my foot leaves the familiar edge separating doubt and faith, but I hesitate.

We were reminded in church this morning of the sweetness of total surrender, as we examined passages from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. I’m very familiar with surrendering myself to Christ as I “own” my identity in Him, but total surrender? I realize the concerns that I keep within my own grasp are the things that tether me to the edge of the cliff of hesitation.

I’m tired of being bound by things that I’ve allowed to cloud my trust in Jesus. I know better than to think I can handle anything better than He can, so why then do I hang on to them, even with a seemingly loose grip? I can hear God’s still small voice asking, “Karla, do you trust me?” My heart pounds! “Yes, my dear Savior and Friend, I trust You!” “Then let go.” Period. Total surrender. Letting go of all things; seeking first His kingdom and asking that His will be done “on earth as it is in heaven.”

With a swift moving current, the Holy Spirit has minimized the intimidating edge of doubt and trust dulls the jagged edge of the unknown. My heart of faith can motivate my feet to go anywhere, even when sure footing is unseen. Forget the doubtful hesitation of committing one step of faith, I will now run with reckless abandon and jump as far away from that cliff as possible! Equipped with the peace that passes all understanding I will leap – watching for God’s almighty provision.


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